Azaria Lewis


My artwork explores the ideas of social standards and encourages viewers to think about how these standards impact people’s everyday lives. Self-identity, human emotions, different viewpoints, and social standards are major themes in my art pieces. I like to involve people in my artwork because I believe humans express emotions more so than any other beings, and I aim to translate those emotions through my artwork to the viewer. Although my most used material is oil painting, I am well versed in many mediums and the material depends on the subject as well as the purpose of the piece. I like to produce work that invokes reactions and gets the viewer to think about what is happening in the subject matter. If my work makes the viewer feel something or think beyond what is on the canvas, my job as an artist is accomplished. I also believe that beauty can be found in all places. I try to bring awareness to subjects that would have been overlooked in our everyday lives and shine light on subjects or objects that may not traditionally be shown as beautiful. Artwork has the power to bring people together and spark conversation, in my art pieces I try to encourage engagement and challenge different perspectives.